Wednesday, April 20, 2011

7-on-7: From Russia With Love trailer and poster (1963)

001. Who was the clever chap that replaced the "O" with a hammer and sickle?  (Sarcasm in italics.)

002. A submarine periscope in a basement, are you mad?

003. Having Turkey join NATO in 1952 was the ultimate in geopolitical machinations.

004. Not even the Three Gorges Dam could hold back the flood of sexual innuendos.

005. S.P.E.C.T.R.E. = SPecial Executive for Crime, Terror, Revenge and Extorion!  I prefer Inspector Gadget's nemesis organization, M.A.D. = Malevolent Agency of Destruction.

006. This movie is timeless.  It pissed off old school Communists then (for promoting decadence and materialism) and it still pisses off hard core Islamists now (for showing unveiled women, and more!).

007. Austin Powers nods: Hairy chest.  Rosa Klebb/Frau Farbissina.

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