I had a fantastic collection of Matchbox, Tomica, Hot Wheels, and Corgi cars. Condition-wise, they fall into two categories. My pre-1980 vintage cars are ratty and worn down. The stickers have come off; parts are missing; and barely any paint is left. My post-1980 cars, on the other hand, are in pretty good shape.
I wanted to see what my 1970s era Matchbox cars looked like new. And that's when I stumbled on this
German site. It brings back fond memories.

London bus. Everyone had one of these. The livery stickers on mine are gone and the red paint is barely recognizable.

Holden pick-up truck. This toy taught me what "pick-up" meant. The coolest features are the plastic motorcycles that come off.

Hot rod Jeep. A little on the flamboyant side, color-wise. The black pieces of plastic poking out of the engine hurt.

Ford zookeeper's truck. My plastic lid was missing. As you rolled the truck, the removable lion on the truck bed paced in circles. Now that's ingenuity.

VW Beetle. The body lifted up on a hinge like a funny car and a plastic stand inside propped the body up. Another car that amused me for countless hours.
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