Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Obama and Clinton presidential announcements

I am capping off the summer reading season by reading Game Change.  It's about the 2008 U.S. presidential election.  It's an in-depth, thorough, and very private look into the Obama, Clinton, and McCain campaigns, the candidates themselves, and their families.

I'm not really a political junkie, but for all of 2008, I was glued to MSNBC (especially Chuck Todd and Chris Matthews), the Huffington Post, even the Drudge Report to get any snippet of gossip, factoid, or trend about how blue collar Neptunian-American females ages 19-35 voted in the last six elections in Polk County, Iowa.

Here are Obama and Clinton's "announcements".  First, look how young they looked in 2008.  Second, their styles and the messages they conveyed are so...disparate.

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