Sunday, July 03, 2011

Atypical California afternoon

When outsiders think "California", they think pristine beaches, sunny weather, and cool cars.  Well, that applies to about 1.2% of California.  The rest consists of industrial farmland, backcountry mountains, and exurban sprawl.

On this three-day weekend, we had no trips or activities planned.  On our way to pick up a watermelon, I saw this convergence of automotive awesomeness within the span of three minutes.  Trust me, this never happens in real life.

I parked the car because I saw that orange Lambo getting towed.  I wanted to see if it could be done without inflicting thousands of dollars in body damage.  But then, I noticed the other, yellow, Lamborghini parked around the corner.  That's gotta be the fanciest Panda Express* parking lot in the world.

*Tangential story.  My father and the founder of Panda Express were childhood pals.  Pops taught the founder everything he knew about the restaurant business.  One ended up an underemployed victim of the Japanese bubble.  The other ended up as a multi-millionaire living the American Dream (tm).

Back to the story.  The pair of Italians did not have license plates.  They only had "Beverly Hills Lamborghini" license plate frames.  They belonged to three twenty-somethings.  I asked what happened.  One of the triumvirate replied: Fuel light went on.  Ookay.

But then I got distracted by that Corvette behind the Orange One.

Aside from a big nick on the rear black license plate, this C2 non-split window Stingray was mint.

And while gawking at the 'Vette and Lambos, I see this red European R107 (distinguished by the headlights and smaller bumpers) zoom by.

I'm not a cognoscenti of late model Lamborghinis, so I don't know why the yellow one is lower and wider than usual.  Can anyone shed light on this possible mystery?

This is the scene as we drove off with our melon.  As you can see by that banner, in America, we are constantly reminded that we are in the Land of the Free (tm).  Happy Independence Day!


F1Outsider said...

The yellow is a Murcielago, the orange is a Gallardo.

Interesting tidbit about Panda Express.

John L said...

What's free about it?