Can Vettel pull a Kimi and beat Button in Abu Dhabi? I, for one, am still pulling for the sentimental favorite, Rubens Barrichello.
Here are pics of some of the drivers in a pre-race parade, followed by a video.

Webber (set fastest lap despite 5 pit stops) in a ???. And is that Fisi in a Fiat Dino?

Winner Vettel in a wee Bugatti

Roman Grosjean in a ??? followed by Quick Nick in a BMW 507

Nico in a Toyota S800, which I saw at the Concours d'Lemons

Lewis in a Merc

Kimi in a Ferrari

Kaz Nakajima in a Toyota (?)

Jenson in a Seven (?) followed by Rubihno in a Merc

Alonso in some kind of British automobile
Any help with identifying the above autos would be appreciated.
Webber seems to be in a Morgan 3-Wheeler.
@Mani: Thanks!
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