But then again, anyone who blogs is, to a certain degree, self-absorbed, egotistical, and narcissistic. Who cares what I ate on my last vacation or what I thought about a 10 year old Danish movie I rented last week?
So indulge me. Here are 25 Random Things about Me, the Auto Edition.
1. Despite Audi and Mercedes' abysmal reliability and BMW's controversial designs, I still think that Germans build the best cars in the world.
2. Until middle school, I thought the sign "Ped Xing" was pronounced pedestrian shing.
3. Despite being a liberal environmentalist, I hate carpooling.
4. My secret dream car is a red 1990 Camaro with the 5.7 liter engine.
5. I once timed a 0 to 60 run in a Ford Mustang GT 5.0 with a Mickey Mouse watch.
6. I become irrationally scared of driving whenever it is below freezing outside.
7. My biggest automotive regret is passing on a 1972 Alfa Romeo Sypder selling for $750.
8. I don't think I will ever own an American car, no matter how great it is.
9. I drive more aggressively after watching a Formula One race.
10. I miss bench seats.
11. I was shocked to learn from my New Mexican friend that he often drank a beer while he drove.
12. I own a red Porsche trucker hat.
13. I failed my driving test because I did not know how to parallel park.
14. I got a 100% on the written portion of the test.
15. My dying wish is a lap around the Nurburgring.
16. I think a car with over 500 horsepower is just too much.
17. I used to watch Motorweek religiously.
18. My high school auto shop teacher called everyone Bagel.
19. I wish I took better care of my car's interior.
20. I have never received a speeding ticket.
21. Whenever my car's engine gets close to the redline, I fear that it is going to explode.
22. I was once obsessive-compulsive about filling up my car's windshield wiper fluid reservoir.
23. I don't know anything about cars.
24. I have never done a donut with a car.
25. The most irritating sound in the world is when a car bottoms out over a speed bump.
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