Tuesday, May 14, 2019

State of the boy's Hot Wheels collection

Before the boy was born, I accumulated around 50 Hot Wheels cars. I kept them in the garage and slowly, one by one, gave the cars to him. I gave him the last one this week. He has lost or misplaced approximately a third of them.

I had this afternoon off and since rain was predicted, I took the boy to find some new cars. First, we went to the mall. Now that is a depressing place on a weekday afternoon. And surprisingly, the mall did not have a toy store. We then went to Target, and their selection was awful. Other than a Charger and a Viper, all the other Hot Wheels there were "pretend" cars.

We ended up at one of the local drug stores that has a reputation of carrying decent cars, and we ended up with the red Civic hatchback in the middle.

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