Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Carspotting: Audi 5000 wagon

This is by far the most exciting (and potentially dangerous) Carspotting post.

I've had my iPhone 4 for a few months now.  Tonight, while taking this picture with the phone, I learned that it has an automatic flash.

So I'm at a stop sign and I see the Audi wagon.  I whip out my phone and snap a shot.  And the flash goes off.  At the exact same moment, three toughs in a melee literally roll out of a liquor store that is immediately outside the frame of this picture.  Within milliseconds, they get up in unison, turn towards me and my flashing camera phone, and glower.  They then start walking over to me, menacingly.  I floored my car and got the heck out of there.  The spinning front wheels on the rain slicked road even activated the Vehicle Stability Assist function on the car!


Peter Secor said...

I had a similar experience with this Audi 200

Maxichamp said...

@Peter: Yup, this was about 1-2 miles away from where you spotted your Audi.

Didn't know about your blog. Will check it out.