5. Renault taxi through Paris in A View to A Kill:

4. BMW 750iL through German parking lot in Tomorrow Never Dies:

Never mind that the whole sequence was advertising for BMW, Avis, and Ericksson. The gadgets on the big sedan were much more creative than anything out of the original DB5. Even with Brosnan in the back seat, the car easily handled the goons in the Mercedes W126, Ford Scorpio, and the Ford F350 tow truck.
3. Lotus Esprit through the hills (and sea) of Sardinia in The Spy Who Loved Me:

I would not be surprised if most Bond fans ranked this as the top chase scene ever. After all, this is the scene where the Bond car turns into a SUBMARINE! On top of that, while on land, it finishes off a Kawasaki bike with sidecar and a Ford Taunus-full of goons. It even manages to evade a helicopter "manned" by the very lovely Naomi. I liked the chase, but it did not excite or entertain me like numbers one and two.
2. Aston Martin V8 Vantage through snowy Czechoslovakia in The Living Daylights:

The Aston Martin V8 Vantage is one of my favorite cars of all time. To see it in action at a movie theater as a young teen aged kid, with lasers, missiles, and outriggers, was indescribable. Everything about the chase, though chaotic and violent, was somehow graceful.
1. Citroen 2CV through the Spanish countryside in For Your Eyes Only:

This chase sequence is so good, it can stand on its own as a great short movie. It is Greek theater for the 20th century. It is a comedy. It has an awesome late 70s/early 80s synthesized sound with the Bond theme interwoven within. It's got a beautiful heroine, who giggles naturally when Bond jokes about the bumpy route. Villains chase the hero in two drift-y black Peugeot 504 chariots. It's even got a Greek chorus, who helpfully upright and push-start the yellow 2CV. And of course, the yellow Citroen is so love-able, everyone (almost) wanted to buy one after leaving the theater.
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