Saturday, October 15, 2016

Panfilov's 28 Men Russian movie

This is a Russian blockbuster that's premiering. A group of Russian, Kazakh, and Kyrgyz soldiers defend Moscow from the Nazis.

Here are Putin and Nazarbayev at a private screening of the movie.

What are they saying about this movie in Eastern Europe and Central Asia?

Here is the American perspective.

1 comment:

Tarlan said...

Unfortunately there is not story behind this movie, fake story was created by Russian journalist of "Krasnaya Zvezda" (red star) newspaper in 1941 just to keep up the battle spirit . In 1947 military prosecutor's office found that all the story is fake, there isn't any reports about this battle neither in russian or german archives. Furthermore, few people who got highest military award post mortem for this battle was found alive.