Sunday, August 07, 2011

Carthage, Hannibal's drunken elephants, and Range Rovers

I'm reading The Story of Mankind, which won the Newberry children's book award in 1922.  Though it is Euro- and Judeo-Christian-centric, it is also quite progressive-minded.  It is doubtful whether a contemporary child can enjoy or even get through this 500+ page tome.

I'm currently at the part about Carthage versus Rome.  Here is a map of what the Tunisia-based empire controlled in the 3rd century B.C.

Its most famous son is Hannibal.  The next time you're at a cocktail party or BBQ with your nerdy friends, you can share some of the trivia you learned from this clip about the Alps-crossing war elephants.

Finally, I just learned that I had been mistaken for years.  The Range Rover HSE does not stand for Hannibal Special Edition.  As far as I can tell, it's not short for anything.


MattC said...

The Romans also figured out that the sight/smell of horseblood would spook the elephants. Prior to the beginning of the later battles, the Romans would slaughter a horse. The elephants near that would either retreat or go berserk away from the Roman line.

Maxichamp said...

@MattC: Nerd.