A little housekeeping first. I feel the need to explain my parameters. I am going to present cars from every nation-state that is a member of the United Nations, plus Taiwan and the Vatican. That's 194 countries. That means by the end of this post, I will have reached the 30% mark, almost.
The other matter is the definition of Head of State. In reality, the individuals I have identified with the cars are all Heads of Governments. If they are in fact Heads of State, it is because in their respective nations, such as the United States, the leader is both the Head of State and the Head of Government.
One surprise so far is the fact that not a single leader has chosen a Lexus LS as his/her car of choice. Maybe I'll uncover one later.
A running tally of the cars listed thus far can be found at the end of this post. Enjoy.
47. Bhutan. King Wangchuck (I'm not making this up) is humble, respected, and popular. He drives a Land Cruiser, like many of his subjects. A true man of the people.
48. China. Because China has a burgeoning auto industry, Hu has no choice but to ride in one of China's own. Hongqi (Red Flag in Mandarin) has been making cars for the Communist elite for decades. Its latest flagship is an ugly amalgam of a Lincoln Town Car, South Korean technology, and Chinese craftsmanship. Yeah, it's that bad. The factory website boasts, among other things, the limo's remote control trunk and fuel door openers. Yikes.

49. India. Prime Minister Singh is a down-to-earth, shy person. When he came into office, he insisted on keeping the Hindustan Ambassador as his official car. But his security detail got its way. He now rides in a bulletproof BMW 7-series.
50. Japan. Japanese prime ministers and industrialists all ride in Toyota Century's. Understated blandness best describes these three-box saloons.

51. Mexico. Felipe Calderon, who has to deal with narco-traffickers, leftist guerillas, and pissed off schoolteachers, has the protection of a Suburban.

52. Monaco. Albert has a fleet of automobiles at his disposal. But for official ceremonies, he rides in the Daimler shown below. Businessweek, which published this photograph, misidentified it as a Bentley. So much for fact checking.

53. Norway. The Norwegian PM rides in this 760Li. The previous PM's 7-series, built to NATO armor specifications, never saw any miles on Norwegian roads because its weight exceeded the safety threshold.

54. Finland. The Finnish PM, like his Norwegian counterpart, rides in a 760Li.
55. Tonga. The eccentric king is known for his adoration of military uniforms (especially pith helmets) and his black London taxi. To each his own.

56. U.S.A. Bush toots around town and the world in this modified Cadillac DeVille. There are dozens of blogs, websites, and news stories about the car, so I won't bore you here.

Tally thus far:
Merc S-class- 15
BMW 7 series-6
Land Cruiser- 4
Phaeton- 4
Maybach- 3
A8- 2
G-wagen- 2
Holden- 2
Jag- 2
ZIL- 2
One each of: Hyundai, Lancia, Skoda, A6, Peugeot, Renault, Lincoln, VW van, Caddy, London taxi, Daimler, Suburban, Toyota Century, Honqi