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Virtually every Northern Californian has fond memories of Lake Tahoe. Following the Dixie Fire's progress has been painful.
🙏 🙏 🙏 So many wonderful, sweet memories of S Lake Tahoe. Fitting 17 in motel room on NYE. Winning $200(!) from slot machine during graduation kayak trip. Learning I made partner at dinner. Catching 🏈 at late friend’s bachelor party. And eating Kitchen Sink omelet at Heidi’s! pic.twitter.com/5peLKFJAYU
— Tamerlane's Thoughts (@TamerlaneBlog) August 30, 2021
The day after visiting the Lake Chabot missile site, I took the kids to the Vollmer Peak site.
Vollmer Peak, at 1,905 feet, is the highest peak in the East Bay Hills. It is named after the first police chief of Berkeley, California, who is recognized as the Father of Modern American Policing. As you can imagine, the City of Berkeley is considering changing the name.
The peak is in Tilden Park, about a mile away from the steam trains. So I took the kids for a ride first.
At the beginning of the Cold War, the U.S. stationed Nike nuclear-tipped missiles all over the coasts to intercept Soviet bombers. There were a bunch near where I live so I decided to visit a few with the kids. The first missile site, long since abandoned, was in Lake Chabot Regional Park.
The former site is at the end of a short and steep dirt road, but with a two year old and a four year old, the walk took forever.
This morning, my 18 year old calendar showed the 2002 Mercedes ML55 AMG. When it came out, I was in awe of the ultra-wide rear tires. But was this car really necessary? Back then, 342 horsepower was too much. Now, not so much.
— Tamerlane's Thoughts (@TamerlaneBlog) August 20, 2021Then, this afternoon, I passed this Bentayga Speed, which has a top speed of 190 miles per hour. Is this car really necessary?
This actually looks nice. Is it a real performance package or just cosmetic? pic.twitter.com/A2iNFVpYGk
— Tamerlane's Thoughts (@TamerlaneBlog) August 20, 2021
I met up with some friends and had this Filipino sisig for lunch yesterday. I did not know that the building was a stage coach rest stop during the Gold Rush!
Rate Never Say Never Again (1983):
— Tamerlane's Thoughts (@TamerlaneBlog) June 17, 2021
I knew there was an Islamist insurgency in Mozambique, but I had no idea Rwanda sent 1,000 soldiers to help. Here is a good article on the situation.
Since nobody asked, this is how the USSR would compare against China, USA, and Japan:
USSR: 139 total, 29 golds, 51 silvers, 59 bronzes
USA: 113 total, 39 golds, 41 silvers, 33 bronzes
China: 88 total, 38 golds, 32 silvers, 18 bronzes
Japan: 58 total, 27 golds, 14 silvers, 17 bronzes