Saturday, February 06, 2010

John Wietz's 1979 Camaro Conversion: The Weitz X600

We've seem Karl Lagerfeld's one-off BMW L7. Here is designer John Weitz's Camaro Z28 conversion.


  1. Oh, wow! Thanks! I saw one of these last year when Don Smith, local bank impresario, opened his private collection as a fundraiser for something-or-other. It looked like the car that came with my Johnny Service set in the 1970's, but I could find no info about it. Now I have next to no info about it, but at least I have a name! It takes a lot to stump me, but that sure did!

  2. Any idea where the X600 is now? My Dad built this!

  3. It is up for sale at an upcoming auction in Terre Haute, IN. The owner, Don Smith, passed away and his collection is being autioned off. The Weitz X600 is included in the sale.
