Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Iowa in a week

Over the past week, Iowa has been hit with blinding snow, ice, and high winds. Yesterday, a van carrying Ben Carson volunteers lost control on an icy Interstate 80, crossed the center median, was broadsided by a Chevy Avalanche, and rolled. A 25 year old man was killed.

This is my biggest fear. I have almost zero experience driving in icy weather. Right now, the forecast for the end of next week is a small chance of snow and temperatures hovering around 30 degrees.

Not only would the roads be treacherous, but bad weather would significantly curtail voter turnout. Clinton and Sanders are tied right now in Iowa. The biggest single factor will be who can get the most voters to show up at 7 p.m. on Monday, February 1. Another factor will be who 3rd place holder Martin O'Malley's supporters' second choice is. Under the caucus system, if a candidate has less than 15% of the room's support, that candidate's supporters will have to pick someone with more than 15% support. Even if O'Malley has less than 5% of the support, it could tip the scale either way for Clinton and Sanders.


  1. At least your Saab should be better in these conditions than a big van full of people, right? Just be careful and everything will probably be fine.

    I just realized I have no mental image of Iowa. The Iowa name just brings up nothing in my mind. I was surprised with seeing snow could be so heavy there.

  2. In Michigan, we laugh at Iowa weather. Out of state, troopers see our plates and wave us on by, LOL.
    Actually it's been in the teens here and that is more treacherous than around 30. Below a certain temp, de-icing no longer works and black ice is more prevalent.

  3. Speaking of the Saab... why no updates? Is it Sold already perhaps? Traded in for a nice BMW i3 or something better?

  4. @Francisco: Column Integration Module issue. Still at the shop.
