Thursday, May 07, 2015

Very tempted

Too busy this week to seriously look for a car. But this wagon keeps calling me.

The stats:

  • 78,000 miles
  • 2005 model year
  • 3.0 liter six cylinder
  • all-wheel drive
  • three minor accidents
  • meticulously maintained by owner with bottomless wallet 


  1. Enough of this!

    Your car has finally arrived at Ebay - The best you can get from combining a Phaeton + Citroen - The fully loaded 2006 Citroen C6

    Buy it, show it to me later - be a happy man!

  2. ^^^ I like his thinking.

    I know you didn't ask for my opinion, but the X-Type to me is a bland car with the dubious honor of symbolizing pre-Tata Jaguar, and this particular example is hardly improved by the longroof factor, which is shocking considering the opposite typically holds true. Do what you must, obviously- but I personally hope that you don't.

  3. That C6 is LOVELY...but you know Customs is going to find you eventually and crush it. There's no way the car was brought here legally. Doug Demuro recently did a story on cars like these.

  4. What about a V70R instead of a Ford-made jaguar?

  5. I always thought the Cadillac CTS wagon was cool. Only produced 2011-14. I found plenty for sale on auto trader...but maybe that's not rare enough for you! The CTS-V wagon had 556hp! (This is Ryan btw)

  6. @rjo:V70R is too big. I want a compact, mostly because I suck at parallel parking.

  7. @rjo: CTS wagon is definitely cool, but not my style. Hope to see you comment more, Ryan.

  8. Is this the same C6?

  9. @byaryoga: Yes! Every Citroen lover in the US is talking about that C6.
