Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Carspotting: BMW Isetta

Rchen and Peter S. may be able to tell us more about Epifani Restorations in Berkeley.

I had an appointment nearby this morning and came across this Isetta. There was a whole garage full of rare cars, but I didn't have the time or guts to go in. Apparently, I had spotted their transporter at Laguna Seca a couple of years ago.


  1. Did you see the Wheeler Dealers episode on the Isetta? Happy ending for all involved

  2. @Chris: I heard about the episode, but have not seen it.

    My buddy has an Isetta that needs restoring. I should recommend the show to him.

  3. Definitely, a total ground-up restoration to such a standard that BMW bought it off them!

  4. I don't know these guys but am now tempted to go find out :)

  5. @Peter: http://www.streetfire.net/video/wheeler-dealers-bmw-isetta_part-1_2400689.htm
