Monday, October 03, 2011

Submarine-- life and death

I had an interesting chat today with a submarine medical officer.  He told me that 4 out of every 1,000 seamen die right after they serve on a submarine.  Two reasons: 1) They get really drunk after months on a dry ship.  2) They get in car crashes.  Submariners are not allowed to drive for a week after their service because for months, their eyes had not focused on anything that's more than 100 feet away.

Here's a quick peek at life on a submarine.  I wish I had written down everything he told me about the superiority of diesel versus nuclear subs.


  1. The diesel is on TOP of the nuclear?? Im curious to hear his comments now too!

  2. @Manuel: Apparently, diesels can get a lot closer to shore than nukes, so they can unload special ops guys for raids.

    Also, diesels are much cheaper.

  3. This explains why the submarine seaman at work wears glasses.
