Friday, July 29, 2011

Carspotting: Greece edition-- Yugo, Fiat, Land Rover, Alfa Romeo, Damaged Taxi

Yugo (This looks fancier than the Yugos we got in America.):

Fiat (Really dig the bumper-less look):

Land Rover:

Alfa Romeo:

This taxi cab dared to cross the picket line to pick up my wife at the hotel.  It had a tire slashed, a window shattered, and the driver ended up in a fist fight with the strikers.

How about a round of applause for my wife?  She braved 100 plus degree weather to take these pictures during her much-deserved vacation.


  1. Give her my applauses from Chile!

  2. For reasons I don't quite understand, I want to drive the freakin' wheels off that little X1-9, screeching around dusty Greek roads till the motor pops.

  3. Hi, I live in Greece and I do a lot of car spotting, I saw the Land Rover featured in this article, here it is now;

  4. @Andrew: Thanks for sharing! Are you an expat?
