I'm going on hiatus for a few days. In the meantime, I encourage you all to visit a new-ish blog called The Die Is Cast. An Australian gent, within a short period of time, acquired an incredible collection of die cast classic cars and motorcycles. In each post, he comes up with a theme and introduces a few of his vehicles. Part of me just wants to ask him straight up how many die casts he has. 50? 100? 500? But the part of me with self-control patiently waits as he displays them at a pace of his choosing. Enjoy here.
Wow, thanks for that great plug, very much appreciated indeed. Compared to your very energetic rate of posting, I am the proverbial snail, but reading your excellent and wide-ranging blog actually inspired me to start my own. Have a good 'hiatus'.
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to say that you are furthering my addiction. My work load is suffering as my mind would rather focus of autocentric websites. Thanks for the suggested links.
ReplyDeleteGood find!
ReplyDeleteI actually have that blue Mercedes hauler in my collection as well.
"Ozmac; I appreciate the kind words. Sometimes it´s hard to come up with stuff on a daily basis. Oftentimes, if I have 3 or 4 ideas simultaneously, I write them up and post them automatically at later dates.
ReplyDeleteAm enjoying my hiatus. Today´s finds on the streets, a 1980s Hyundai Stellar and a really old 2CV!
F1O; Nice! Where did you get the display case. Very classy.
ReplyDeleteIkea. For a cool $60. Assembly required.