Sunday, June 27, 2010

Minute Stories of Famous Explorers by Jerome S. Kates (1934)

I really dig library book sales.  All paperbacks are 50 cents and hardcovers are a dollar.  I found this gem this weekend.  It's a 1934 book that describes the exploits of 73 explorers, some more famous than others.  The format is right up my alley.  On the left side, you have a hand drawn map with the explorer's route(s).  Accompanying each map are three illustrations showing his hardships.  On the right side is a brief blurb about the man and his accomplishment.  Here is a sampling:

The cover.  The book is in pretty decent shape, save the missing spine.

The paper stock is thick and sturdy.  I can't tell if this is a children's book or not.

The list of explorers.

Part 2 of the list.

This page is on the left side and shows Lief Ericsson's journey and travails.

This is the right side and describes his accomplishment.

Here is a more obscure explorer.  Salmon Andree tried to fly over the North Pole with a balloon.  He was not successful.

Andree's fateful trip.


  1. Pretty cool indeed. Travelogues are the best. Have you ever read any Alan Booth? Looking for the Lost and Roads to Sata are masterpieces IMO.

    They just opened up a $1 used book store here at the Chula Vista mall - picked up "Ths Story of Language", "A Short Cultural History of Japan" and Lee Iococca's autobiography for literally, pocket change.

  2. @Alan. Our local used book store just shut its doors. Sad. I will check out Alan Booth. Thanks for the tip.

  3. Love this book! We have my great-grandfather's copy and it was always a favorite growing up.

    Found your blog post because I thought I'd google the book. I had never really looked into it's value or anything.

    Doesn't look like it's worth much monetarily, but it sure is a gem like you said!
